If you are struggling to pay your bills, rest assured that you are not alone. Households throughout the United States find themselves in over their heads and relying on credit cards or debts to cover their expenses. Many factors can result in unmanageable debt, such as unemployment, medical issues, business failures, and other unexpected circumstances. Know that there are options for debt relief that can help you move forward without the weight of your debt on your shoulders.
There are many ways that a bankruptcy lawyer in Porter County can help if you are seeking debt relief strategies. At Whitten & Whitten, we help clients each day take back control of their finances, and we can help you. Contact us for more information today.Â
Consumers in the United States generally file bankruptcy under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. While some people file under Chapter 11, this is rare for consumers. Each type of bankruptcy has its own pros and cons, such as:
The right attorney will review your situation and advise whether bankruptcy is a good solution for your situation, as well as which type of bankruptcy is best for you.Â
If you decide to proceed with a bankruptcy case, our lawyers will then navigate every step of the process for you. This includes:
Once your qualified debts are discharged, you will be able to move forward without stress over those payments or collection attempts.Â
If you would like to learn about the many ways that bankruptcy can help you, contact Whitten & Whitten. Contact us for a free consultation and to learn the benefits of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer in Porter County.
These guys really took me out of a tough time. Really down to earth and made me feel at easy. Would recommend
I would suggest Whitten & Whitten and the whole office. They helped me and were so helpful and friendly. Thank you for getting me back on track.
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