With the high costs of living, it is easy to become overly reliant on credit cards and loans to purchase the things you want and need. Unfortunately, high-interest rates make it difficult to ever pay these debts off, and missing even one payment could lead to serious problems. Demanding debt collection calls and threats of legal action can have a major impact on both your physical and mental health. If you are facing these types of problems, reach out to the Whitten & Whitten, for help.Â
Our experienced Highland bankruptcy lawyers can review your case and advise you on the options available. To get out from overwhelming debts and make a fresh start, contact our office and request a free consultation today.Â
According to a recent CNBC news report, the average American has over $90,000 in debt. These represent revolving credit card accounts, automobile payments, personal loans, home mortgages, and other common types of credit. While most of us rely on these types of accounts when making various purchases, it is easy to get overwhelmed.Â
At the Whitten & Whitten, we protect the rights of people who are struggling to keep up with payments. Our experienced Highland bankruptcy lawyers help you regain financial security when you have fallen behind for any of the following reasons:Â
At the Whitten & Whitten, we understand how otherwise honest, hardworking people can find themselves falling behind financially. Unfortunately, missing a single payment can result in heavy penalty fees, harassing credit collection calls, and threats of repossession, liens, or other legal actions.Â
Our experienced Highland bankruptcy lawyers provide the trusted legal guidance you need in making a fresh start. By filing a bankruptcy petition through the Indiana Bankruptcy Court, we can put an immediate stop to the threats and harassment while eliminating or restructuring payments on the following types of debts:Â
It is easy to fall behind in debt but difficult to ever get caught up. One missed payment can result in heavy fees, debt collection calls, lawsuits, or other legal actions. At Whitten & Whitten., we offer solutions to help otherwise honest and hardworking people regain their financial security. To find out how you can get a fresh start, call or contact our Highland bankruptcy lawyers online to request a free consultation today.
These guys really took me out of a tough time. Really down to earth and made me feel at easy. Would recommend
I would suggest Whitten & Whitten and the whole office. They helped me and were so helpful and friendly. Thank you for getting me back on track.
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