Occasionally when someone files for bankruptcy, he or she might wish to keep certain debts out of the bankruptcy and continue paying on them. In a Chapter 7…
You have worked your whole life to build a nest egg, but despite that money set aside for your future, you are having a difficult time paying your…
There are many kinds of debt that people carry, including medical debt, student loan debt and mortgage debt. However, one of the most common kinds of debt that…
There’s no question that bankruptcy carries a negative stigma with it for most people. While it’s true that in most cases bankruptcy represents deep financial struggles, the fact…
There are a lot of negative aspects about being in debt and one of the worst things people in this predicament have to face is dealing with annoying…
Most people have some kind of debt, whether its credit card debt, a mortgage, a car payment or student loans or medical bills, debt is a common part…
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