Sometimes life gets out of hand, and your finances go with it. People can be left in a financial pinch, with creditors calling, demanding repayment on your outstanding debts. Sometimes it makes sense for an individual who is in debt to declare bankruptcy in order to discharge some, if not all, of their debts. Deciding whether to file for bankruptcy is a big decision that should not be taken lightly.
Bankruptcy is a legal way to discharge your debts, or reduce the amounts that you owe. It can be a very useful means of dealing with your financial situation, but bankruptcy comes with certain limitations and consequences that you should be aware of if you are considering filing for bankruptcy. A few examples include:
Before you make any sort of decision about proceeding with bankruptcy, you should speak with an experienced Crown Point bankruptcy lawyer to get a better understanding of what options may be available to you.
Bankruptcy law can be complicated to those who are unfamiliar with it. One of the most confusing aspects of bankruptcy law is that there are different types, also known as chapters. Each type of bankruptcy is good for certain debtors who meet certain eligibility criteria. Once an individual determines the chapter of bankruptcy law that applies best for their particular situation, they can file for bankruptcy under that chapter. A brief overview of the most frequently used types of bankruptcy includes:
If you are considering bankruptcy as an option for your financial situation, it is important that you take the time to consult with a Crown Point bankruptcy attorney about what options you have. The professionals at the Whitten & Whitten are ready and available to help you. Contact us online, or you can give our office a call by dialing 219.756.0555.
These guys really took me out of a tough time. Really down to earth and made me feel at easy. Would recommend
I would suggest Whitten & Whitten and the whole office. They helped me and were so helpful and friendly. Thank you for getting me back on track.
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